House Remodel Update

One more post before I turn in for the night.  We think we finally got the leak fixed in the roof!  It was worked on yesterday and it rained most of the day today and when my husband went to check it out this evening there was no water on the floor.  So that is a positive step.  Tomorrow (well, today now) is pay day for my father-in-law, so probably a trip to Lowe’s is in order and we should be well on our way to moving in soon.  Hoping we can get moved in by the end of the month.  

We picked up a bunch of primer in a free pile the other day at a house around the corner, so we should have enough of it to prime the house.  I have the paint for my girls room, so I need to get that done.  Not sure what to paint after that.  Thinking about either doing our room or the dining room next month!

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